Historic Milestone for Kyrgyzstan: First Application for Arstanbap Wild Nut Geographical Indication

October 30, 2024, can be considered a historic day for Kyrgyzstan. Because the first application for registration of the Arstanbap wild nut as a geographical indication was received. The application is submitted by the Association for the Management of Geographical Indication "Arstanbap Wild Nut".

On March 24, 2023, Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 70 "On Trademarks, Service Marks, Geographical Indications and Names of Places of Production of Goods" was adopted, and on the basis of this law a new object "geographical indication" was introduced. By-laws were also adopted, and some of them were amended.

A geographical indication is a special designation that can identify a product by its origin from a certain territory, its quality and certain properties that are inherent only to this territory.