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As the legislation in the USA requires proof of use in certain periods, it is only necessary to apply for the products and services used.

Of the Central American countries, only Mexico and some Caribbean countries are members of the community registration systems, it is generally recommended to apply for each country in the Caribbean.
In South America, Brazil and Colombia are members of WIPO, while other countries do not have membership in international community registration systems.


There is no community application system that includes countries in the American continent.
For countries in the American continent, including the United States of America, the national application method should be preferred, or for countries included in the PCT system, the path to the national stage should be preferred by making a PCT application.


There is no community application system that includes countries in the American continent.
In the countries of this continent, the national application system is generally preferred for design registration. In addition, a design application can be made to countries in North America such as the USA, Canada, Mexico and Belize in Central America by choosing The Hague International Application System.

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