
''Turkey in Horizon 2020 Project'' was Opened

"Turkey in Horizon 2020 Project", which seeks to increase Turkey's participation to "Horizon 2020", an EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation with a budget of 80 billion euros between the years 2014-2020, was launched in Ankara.

Hakan Karataş, Head of TÜBİTAK International Cooperation Department, shared the developments within the fields of research and innovation in Turkey at the opening of "Turkey in Horizon 2020 Project", which will continue until the end of 2017. Stating that there has been a two-fold increase in research project applications in the last three years, Karataş noted that academic research project applications from universities increased 1.9 times, and the applications from industry increased 1.8 times.

Referring to the importance of using the increasing national research capacity within the scope of the Horizon 2020 Program, which he describes as the summit of international collaborations, Karataş stated that the private sector's participation in international projects should also be increased. Karataş pointed out that companies now have to cooperate with different stakeholders in diversified target markets and stated that when the countries issue tenders for public procurement, they care about research and innovation collaborations of the company to be commissioned with the actors operating in the country in question. Karataş underlined that such collaborations provide a very important competitive advantage in regards to having access to information about industrial standards and regulations in advance.
